Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kinsmen Redeemer

Ruth 3:8-18
March 16th, 2008

Under the direction of Naomi, Ruth is told to sleep at the feet of Boaz. The culture of the people, in that day, made allowances for such overt behavior. Such forward actions of a woman, was for the sole purpose of provide refuge to a woman who found herself without protection. Boaz was a kinsman of Ruth and was willing to fulfill the requirements of the Kinsman and redeem Ruth to be part of the family. Like Boaz, Christ is our kinsman redeemer who came to earth and gave his life that we could be redeemed and be part of God’s family.

Startled Experience- “the man was afraid”
• Awaken by movement
• Surprise to see a women at his feet
Spreading of the Skirt- “spread therefore thy skirt”
• The custom of proposal
• Protect me with your “wings”
Showing of Character- “for thou has shown kindness”
• Her life was above reproach
• Her desire was to perpetuate the family name
Selecting the Kinsman- “howbeit there is a kinsman”
• Boaz desire to follow the law
• The kinsman’s Responsibility
• Christ- Our kinsman
Secrecy Required- “let it not be known”
• There are some things that need not be spoken
Safeguarding Reputation- “bring the veil…”
• Keeping a good name
• Avoid doing things that others would misinterpret
Social Acceptance- “go not empty”
• Conforming to social behaviors
• God’s word is always 1st coarse
Sitting Still- “sit still…”
• Waiting is a practice trait
• We must let God work out His plan

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