Saturday, March 22, 2008

Boaz Meets Ruth

Ruth 2:4-12
March 9, 2008

Boaz who is master of the barely field sees a young girl who has a desire to care for her mother in law and to serve the God that her mother in law serves. He is touched by her willingness to leave the land of her people and her sincerity to do what is right. How like Christ who looks at a sinner who gives up the world to go all out for the kingdom. How like Him to take such a person and place them under His wings.

Man of God (The Lord be with you)
• Man of Wealth and Nobility
• Man of congeniality
• Son of Rahab- Like Ruth a proselyte
Makes Inquiry (Whose damsel is this?)
• He saw something different in Ruth
• Noticed her diligence
• Represents the Church
Moabitish Damsel (It is the Moabitish damsel)
• Foreigner and stranger to the land
Migrate Worker (Out of the country of Moab)
• Known for her work ethic
• Her character was her beauty- Holiness & Simplicity
Meeting Ruth (Then said Boaz unto Ruth)
• Charmed by her loyalty to her mother in law
• Boaz’s first impression- The impression of the Church
Maidens Privileges (Abide here fast by my maiden)
• We are under His protection
• He will provide are every need
Moved to Worship (She fell down)
• Attitude and gratitude of the heart
• Demonstration of love
Ministry of Kindness (Unto thy mother in law)
• Works of righteousness are seen of God
• Selfless and preferring
Mother Bird (Under whose wings)
• The desire of Christ for His own
• Refuge and shelter from the storm
• Protection from the enemy

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