Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ruth's Choices

Ruth 1:12-22
March 2nd, 2008

The choice to serve God and to be identified with the people of God is the most important decision in a person’s life. In the Providence of God, Ruth was stripped of all she had hoped and dreamed. Her husband was dead and she was without child. Naomi, desiring to return to her people entreated her two daughter-in-laws to return to their people. Ruth had committed herself to go with Naomi and serve her God. Her decision required her to leave her old life behind and take up “the cross” and follow after the true and only God.

Turning to the World (vs12. Turn again…go your way)
• Naomi had nothing to offer- Do we have anything to offer?
• Satan paints a dreary picture of the Christian way
• It is impossible to live holy- Why even attempt?
Tarry with God’s People (vs.13. Would ye tarry)
• What are you willing to give up to go with God?
• Take up thy cross and follow Christ-
Torn Apart (vs14. Lifted up their voices and wept)
• Orpah decision to return to her own people
• Like the rich man- He left sorrowful
• Tears- Not evidence of righteousness
Total Commitment (vs15. Whither thou goest, I will go)
• Embracing truth
• Willing to go where God leads
• Work wherever God places you
• Willing to identify with the people of God
• Follow Christ- Whatever the cost- even death
Tenacity of Ruth (vs.18, She was steadfastly minded)
• Does not easily give up- see it through
• Determination to stay by and be counted
Traveling to Bethlehem (vs.19 Went until they came to Bethlehem)
• Followed through on her commitment- more than words
• Naomi needed to face her failure of the past
• The timing of God- The beginning of barley season
Testified By God (vs.20. The Lord hath testified against me)
• Mara- Bitter- Naomi became bitter toward life and God
• She blamed God for her misfortunes
• She saw God as a God of vengeance and not mercy
• We must see God as sovereign and in control

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