Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jesus is Risen

Luke 24; 1-12
March, 23rd, 2008
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the climax of Christendom. There is no other religion or faith that proclaim unequivocally that their earthly leader died and rose again to live forever. The strongest proof of His resurrection is that He lives in hearts of believer and he abides forever more. We who were dead in sin are made alive through Christ by the power of His resurrection.
Preparing the Body
• Joseph of Arimathea
• Wrapped in linen cloths
• Nicodemus brought spices
• Laid in a borrow tomb
Proof of Death
• Centurion affirmed
• Body pierced- water and blood
• Tomb was sealed and guarded
• Disciples assumed He was dead
Problems to Encounter
• Hope seem to be lost
• Who will roll away to stone?
Perplex and Afraid
• The stone was rolled way- where were the guards?
• The body was gone- the body was stolen.
• Startled by two glowing images-Angels
• Encountering the supernatural- bow down
Pronouncement of the Angels
• Jesus is Alive- “This place is for dead people”
• Remembering what Jesus said.
Power Over Death and the Grave
• He conquered death- the last enemy
• Up from the grave He arose- Triumphed
• The power of the resurrection in our lives
Persuaded of the Resurrection
• The apostles were very persuaded- preached with conviction
• Their Faith, before and after
• The enemies of Christ believed it.
• The Christian Church grows with miracles
• He lives within my HEART.

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