Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jesus is Risen

Luke 24; 1-12
March, 23rd, 2008
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the climax of Christendom. There is no other religion or faith that proclaim unequivocally that their earthly leader died and rose again to live forever. The strongest proof of His resurrection is that He lives in hearts of believer and he abides forever more. We who were dead in sin are made alive through Christ by the power of His resurrection.
Preparing the Body
• Joseph of Arimathea
• Wrapped in linen cloths
• Nicodemus brought spices
• Laid in a borrow tomb
Proof of Death
• Centurion affirmed
• Body pierced- water and blood
• Tomb was sealed and guarded
• Disciples assumed He was dead
Problems to Encounter
• Hope seem to be lost
• Who will roll away to stone?
Perplex and Afraid
• The stone was rolled way- where were the guards?
• The body was gone- the body was stolen.
• Startled by two glowing images-Angels
• Encountering the supernatural- bow down
Pronouncement of the Angels
• Jesus is Alive- “This place is for dead people”
• Remembering what Jesus said.
Power Over Death and the Grave
• He conquered death- the last enemy
• Up from the grave He arose- Triumphed
• The power of the resurrection in our lives
Persuaded of the Resurrection
• The apostles were very persuaded- preached with conviction
• Their Faith, before and after
• The enemies of Christ believed it.
• The Christian Church grows with miracles
• He lives within my HEART.

Kinsmen Redeemer

Ruth 3:8-18
March 16th, 2008

Under the direction of Naomi, Ruth is told to sleep at the feet of Boaz. The culture of the people, in that day, made allowances for such overt behavior. Such forward actions of a woman, was for the sole purpose of provide refuge to a woman who found herself without protection. Boaz was a kinsman of Ruth and was willing to fulfill the requirements of the Kinsman and redeem Ruth to be part of the family. Like Boaz, Christ is our kinsman redeemer who came to earth and gave his life that we could be redeemed and be part of God’s family.

Startled Experience- “the man was afraid”
• Awaken by movement
• Surprise to see a women at his feet
Spreading of the Skirt- “spread therefore thy skirt”
• The custom of proposal
• Protect me with your “wings”
Showing of Character- “for thou has shown kindness”
• Her life was above reproach
• Her desire was to perpetuate the family name
Selecting the Kinsman- “howbeit there is a kinsman”
• Boaz desire to follow the law
• The kinsman’s Responsibility
• Christ- Our kinsman
Secrecy Required- “let it not be known”
• There are some things that need not be spoken
Safeguarding Reputation- “bring the veil…”
• Keeping a good name
• Avoid doing things that others would misinterpret
Social Acceptance- “go not empty”
• Conforming to social behaviors
• God’s word is always 1st coarse
Sitting Still- “sit still…”
• Waiting is a practice trait
• We must let God work out His plan

Boaz Meets Ruth

Ruth 2:4-12
March 9, 2008

Boaz who is master of the barely field sees a young girl who has a desire to care for her mother in law and to serve the God that her mother in law serves. He is touched by her willingness to leave the land of her people and her sincerity to do what is right. How like Christ who looks at a sinner who gives up the world to go all out for the kingdom. How like Him to take such a person and place them under His wings.

Man of God (The Lord be with you)
• Man of Wealth and Nobility
• Man of congeniality
• Son of Rahab- Like Ruth a proselyte
Makes Inquiry (Whose damsel is this?)
• He saw something different in Ruth
• Noticed her diligence
• Represents the Church
Moabitish Damsel (It is the Moabitish damsel)
• Foreigner and stranger to the land
Migrate Worker (Out of the country of Moab)
• Known for her work ethic
• Her character was her beauty- Holiness & Simplicity
Meeting Ruth (Then said Boaz unto Ruth)
• Charmed by her loyalty to her mother in law
• Boaz’s first impression- The impression of the Church
Maidens Privileges (Abide here fast by my maiden)
• We are under His protection
• He will provide are every need
Moved to Worship (She fell down)
• Attitude and gratitude of the heart
• Demonstration of love
Ministry of Kindness (Unto thy mother in law)
• Works of righteousness are seen of God
• Selfless and preferring
Mother Bird (Under whose wings)
• The desire of Christ for His own
• Refuge and shelter from the storm
• Protection from the enemy

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ruth's Choices

Ruth 1:12-22
March 2nd, 2008

The choice to serve God and to be identified with the people of God is the most important decision in a person’s life. In the Providence of God, Ruth was stripped of all she had hoped and dreamed. Her husband was dead and she was without child. Naomi, desiring to return to her people entreated her two daughter-in-laws to return to their people. Ruth had committed herself to go with Naomi and serve her God. Her decision required her to leave her old life behind and take up “the cross” and follow after the true and only God.

Turning to the World (vs12. Turn again…go your way)
• Naomi had nothing to offer- Do we have anything to offer?
• Satan paints a dreary picture of the Christian way
• It is impossible to live holy- Why even attempt?
Tarry with God’s People (vs.13. Would ye tarry)
• What are you willing to give up to go with God?
• Take up thy cross and follow Christ-
Torn Apart (vs14. Lifted up their voices and wept)
• Orpah decision to return to her own people
• Like the rich man- He left sorrowful
• Tears- Not evidence of righteousness
Total Commitment (vs15. Whither thou goest, I will go)
• Embracing truth
• Willing to go where God leads
• Work wherever God places you
• Willing to identify with the people of God
• Follow Christ- Whatever the cost- even death
Tenacity of Ruth (vs.18, She was steadfastly minded)
• Does not easily give up- see it through
• Determination to stay by and be counted
Traveling to Bethlehem (vs.19 Went until they came to Bethlehem)
• Followed through on her commitment- more than words
• Naomi needed to face her failure of the past
• The timing of God- The beginning of barley season
Testified By God (vs.20. The Lord hath testified against me)
• Mara- Bitter- Naomi became bitter toward life and God
• She blamed God for her misfortunes
• She saw God as a God of vengeance and not mercy
• We must see God as sovereign and in control