Saturday, January 27, 2007

Noah and the Ark

Gen: 6:9-22

The flood of the earth as describe in scripture has been a point of debate for many years and among many scholars. When, how, and where this event took place, certainly makes for good conversation and discussion. But, it is not are indent here to discuss such issues. It is sufficient to say that God was displeased with the way man was living. He found a man who was righteous and willing to warn others of the judgment to come and to build an ark of safety. God, the creator of earth destroyed the earth with water, sparing Noah and his family from the destruction. Like Noah, we also can find grace in the eyes of God through Christ Jesus who is our “Ark of Safety”

Character of Noah (just and perfect v9)
• Among his contemporaries he lived just
• Our responsibility to live holy and just in this present age
Condition of the World (it was corrupt v11)
• The conduct of the human race was sinful in God’s sight
• The world was filled with violence
• Humanity is filled with hatred and lust for blood
• Such is the entertainment world of our generation
• Everywhere we turn, we find sin as the norm of life- acceptable
Condemning of the World (end of all flesh is come v13)
• The mercy of the Lord has come to an end
• Destroyed with water – deep of the earth and heavens above
• As it was in the day of Noah, so shall it be….
Construction of the Ark (this is the fashion v15)
• 430ftL x 75ftW x 45ftH- gopher wood and pitch
• Windows at the top for ventilation
• Door at the side- 3 stories or 3 tiers
• Ark of Safety- Christ is our rock, fortress, shelter in time storm
Covenant to Noah (I establish my covenant v18)
• God’s promise to Noah that he and is family would be spared
• As long as we stay in the “Ark” we will be protected.
Collecting of Species (two of every sort thou shall bring v19)
• Male and female – procreation
• Keep them alive through the provisions that were gathered
Commandment is followed (thus Noah did v22)
• Obedience is crucial if we are to maintain His grace
• According to God and not man- Follow Christ, not man.

Cain and Abel -Accountability

Genesis 4:3-16
Sin has no limits and boundaries. The blood relationship between Cain and Abel was severed because sin lurked in the heart of Cain. It is foolish to thinks that one can hide their secret deeds of sin from God. It did not matter what Cain thought or how he chose to justify his sin, the blood of Abel cried out from the ground until it reached the ear of God. Accountability is required of all men. Denying responsibility for deeds done in the flesh, does not release us from giving an account for the way we have chosen to live our lives. God is just and holy and judges all men fairly. What has God required of you? What sacrifice have you laid on the altar before Him? The Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering. But unto Cain He had no respect.

Abel’s Offering Unto the Lord- Brought an offering unto the Lord
• God instituted the blood sacrifice
• Family teaching of God’s commands
• The void in the heart. A desire for fellowship/relationship

Acceptable Unto God- The Lord had respect unto Able
• It is not your best that God wants, but your obedience
• Sincerity is good, but it is not enough
• It does matter how you worship God- heart and character
• By Faith- Faith in what? God’s command requires blood.
• False worship at its’ roots, is driven by self. I’ll do it my way!

Anger and uncontrollable emotions- Cain rose up.
• Sin at Cain’s door. Murder is motivated by hate, not judgment
• Anger, human emotion- Why are you angry? Sin, injustice, or is it for selfish reasons.

Accountable to God
- Where is Able?
• So how is it between you and your brother?
• What have you done to try and reconcile?
• We our keepers and must be accountable one to anther.

Avenger of Sin- Now art thou cursed.
• Cursed form the earth
• Fugitive and vagabond
• God’s mercy still prevailed- the mark of protection
• The presence of God is departed.- Away for His presence is the greatest of all curses.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Adam's Sin

Gen. 3:1-15
What is sin? What did Adam do that made God so upset? Sin became part of the nature of the human race when Adam and Eve willfully did what God told them not to do. They missed the mark because they took their eyes and attention off of God. It is understood, that eating fruit, in of itself was not sinful. There was plenteous fruit in the garden that they had the pleasure of partaking. But, they began to question the words of God that had already been made clear to them. Satan, taking the form of a serpent was subtle. He only needed to make a suggestion whereby planting a seed of doubt in their minds. We must always be on guard that we don’t take God’s Word and twist it to our own devices.
The Serpent
• He is subtle and cunning
• Can appear as an angel of light
• He is real- speaking to mankind
• Don’t give him the time- “Get thee behind me”
The Women
• Eve began to collaborate with God’s enemy
• She knew what God required- Even added some externals “neither shall ye touch it”
• Eve listen to Satan’s take scripture out of context
• Eve saw the appeal to what Satan suggested
• Eve took what was forbidden- willful act- 1st barrier- touched
• Eve ate the forbidden- defied God’s command- Sin enacted
• Adam did not take a stand
• Speculate- What would have happen if Adam did not partake and Eve did?
• Adam was even more responsible- It would be like Moses partaking of Israel’s
• Deviance
The Consequence of Disobeying God
• They became aware of their shame
• They began to avoid God’s presence
• They became fearful
• They pass the blame- They would not take responsibility
The Promise of Redemption
• The plan to bring them back into the graces of God
• God’s desire is and always will be is to have fellowship with His creation- True love is a choice to have fellowship

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Man, The Crown of God's Creation

Genesis 1:26, 27; 2:7-9, 16-24
In a world that refuses to acknowledge God as Lord, it is not surprising that it has rejected the Biblical creation of the earth and the fullness of life. How wonderful and marvelous is the handy work of God. One only need to consider the complexity of life, to be convinced that such development would require a miracle of super natural proportion. At the pinnacle of God’s creation, Man and women are set apart. For into man, the Godhead formed humanity into His likeness and breathed the breath of eternity making man a living soul. This is something the humanistic scientist cannot explain. I choose to believe in the authority of God's Word. "He said it, I believe it, and that settles it for me". If the account given to us here in Genesis is not true, then Christ dying on the cross for my salvation is in vain. Man was created a moral agent with the ability to choose to serve God or reject God.
When God was finished with His handy work "...God saw every thing that He had made and behold it was very good”

The Godhead- Let us
• Elohim-plural
• Christ, in whom all things are created
• The Spirit of God move across the waters
Two Accounts
• Overview
• Closer view
Created from the earth
• Element of the earth
• The breath of God-the intimacy of creation
• A Living soul- the part of humans that makes them the crown
The Garden
• Pleasant- a good place to be- provides a way to satisfy
• The tree of Life-
• The tree of knowledge- good and evil
• God gave the freedom of choice- Consequence of choices
Adam names the animals
• Whatsoever Adam called them
• Adam observed the relationship of nature
The Creation of Woman
• Put Adam to sleep
• Took a rib from him
The Principle of Marriage relationship
• Leave your Father and Mother
• Cleave one to another
• Become on flesh

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Key to Spiritual Victory

1 Peter 5:1-11
The key to spiritual victory is by listening and submitting ourselves one to another. Being established in the Lord does not happen with two trips to the altar. It is a growing and maturing process. Those who are spiritual have a responsibility to nurture those young in the faith. New believers need to be willing to submit to God and His leadership. We all must be ready and watching for Satan is out to seek and destroy, but we have a mighty God who has given us the Holy Spirit to help us through every battle and come out victorious!

The Key- The combination of “actions” making it possible to enter. In this case, we want to enter into a life of spiritual victory, where we can maintain a right relationship with Christ at all times. What “tumbler-cut” combination is needed to see us through to eternity?

What does it mean to be established in the Lord?
Steadfast in the ways of God
Faithful and loyal to the Lord
God can depend on you.
Circumstances in life will not separate you from the love of God.
Your life is centered around Christ and what He values.
Lastly, you are totally submitted to God and to others.

Peter’s addresses the Gentiles in Asia Minor:
The Responsibility of the church leaders (elders)
Feed those who God put under your care- Nurturing them
Oversee- protect from pitfall along the way- Warn them
Motivated by compassion, not control or favor- Love them
Leader, not a task master- Lead them.
The Response of the newborn (young in the faith)
Submit to the teaching of the elders (this assumes the above)
Submit one to another. Preferring one another.
Spirit of humility- clothing- you are identify by what you wear.
Stay humble before God
Total surrender to God- Give it all to God- Cast it all to Him
The Readiness of the believer- Stay alert- Watch out!
Be sober- a sharp mind and not impaired or distracted. Serious.
Be vigilant- Alert and awake and keenly aware of danger
Resist the devil and remain steadfast to the truth
The Resources of the believer
The God of all grace
He knows what you are going through
He is able to make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you