Saturday, September 30, 2023

God in Heaven Above

Joshua 2:11
 our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.

America has become the land of all religions. The freedoms granted to this country has allowed many from other countries to migrate to this great country, but with this migration comes beliefs that proclaim other gods that are contrary to the One true living God. It is true that Christians are intolerant of accepting other religions as acceptable ways to truth. The leader of the Christian faith made it clear that He and He alone is the Truth, the Way, and Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus, fully man and God, He is the God of heaven above, and in the earth beneath. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him”- Col. 1:16. Apologetic books have been written in defense of these claims throughout history. It is good to know how to defend God’s word, but it is more urgent that we share God's grace and power to forgive through Christ. Let people see the power of God in our lives. Others will say. “For the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. He is a God that gives peace and joy, and everlasting Life.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Forgiveness for All

 John 8:11
Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more.

The power of forgiveness by Jesus is found in the words, “neither do I condemn you.” Who can forgive sin but God. God hates sin and does not tolerate it. The Scribe and Pharisee were not incorrect.  The law was clear what happens to those who violate His commandments. I find it curious that they did not also bring the man who was also found in the very act. God in the OT punishment for adultery was for both the man and the women. It was a serious break of the law to violate one’s marriage vows. The deity of Jesus gave Him the power to overrule the law, for He is the giver of the law. As God in the OT often showed mercy, Jesus who knew the heart of this woman, spoke words of mercy. The laws of our land do not arrest or punish those who commit adultery, but God’s word is not mocked, whatever man sows, that shall he reap. Every man will answer to the deeds done in the flesh when they meet God face to face at the judgment. But as long as we live, there is forgiveness for all who will come to Jesus and ask. He reaches out with tender love and care, and there is no sin that His blood will not cover. It is not God’s plan that man continue in sin, Jesus told the lady to go and sin no more. “He who is born of God will no longer live in sin.” (1 John 5:18). The example of Jesus given to us here, should help us to see that there is hope for all who stubble in sin, and like Christ, we should also show love and compassion.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Ambition to Serve

 Mark 10:44
Whoever would be first among you must be a servant of all.

Ambition is a good trait to have. Setting goals and discipling yourself to work toward those goals. But Jesus warned us about having ambitions that were totally self centered. James and John had ambitions to be seated next to Him when Jesus set up His kingdom. They had ambitions to be in charge, to have power over others. Power is one of the P’s that destroy the soul. Along with pleasures of this world, pride of Life, and prosperity. History tells the story of those who sought power to rule kingdoms and nations. Such ambitions never come to a good end. Being a ruler or leader is not an easy task when it also requires being a servant. You must be able to take charge, have vision, know how to delegate, and be willing to listen to others. A good leader will demonstrate leadership by being an example of what needs to be done. Pauls says, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” Jesus, the Son of God, lived a life of servanthood, and made the ultimate sacrifice by giving His life that we might be saved. Ambition to be like Jesus, to serve others, and be a servant of all is not done by human efforts. It requires a daily submission to God and His will and purposes. “All of my ambitions, hopes and plans I surrender these into your hands.” from the hymn, Jesus, All for Jesus, should be the prayer of our heart. Let us walk carefully, that we keep our ambitions in the center of God’s will.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Give it your Best

 Col. 3:23
Whatever you do, do it  heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, 

We find similar admonition in the book of Ecclesiastes 9:10 from Solomon. “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” The daily task of the day may not seem significant in light of a life-span or eternity, but our time on earth is given to us by God, and we are to be stewards of this time. “Whatever” is all inclusive, it means in everything we do we need to give it our best. This is the motto I have used to inspire my students over the years I taught. I did not expect my students to be perfect, or even always get the right answer, but I did expect them to give it their best effort. God has given most of us hands to work, and a job to do. Sometimes others may not appreciate the work we do and the effort we give. It may even go unnoticed by those around us, but the work we do is for the kingdom and for Christ. We may ask, “Why should I care, no one else seems to care.” But God sees our hearts and our desire to serve Him. We all desire the approbation of others and as human beings the need to be appreciated and needed. This is not wrong, but our ultimate motivation is to honor God and to do our best to please Him. Whatever lot God has given you, do it to the best of your ability and do it to glorify the Father in heaven.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

A Living Sacrifice

 Roman 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

A living sacrifice is what God desires of us. Like Isaac who laid on the altar for Abraham ready to be offered up to God, God wants us willingly to give our entire life to Him. As Christian, we have already been forgiven of our sins and have been washed in the blood of Christ. We have already received the newness of life and are new creatures in Christ. The step of giving your body (Your life) a living sacrifice is a full surrender of all your hopes and desires. Our ambitions, goals, and aspirations are laid at the altar. Death to self, the removal of ourselves from the throne of our heart and putting God there. It is no longer our will, but God’s will be done. This is life experience and crossroads that all Christian come to. We don’t slowly present our bodies, but it is an act of the will that we present our life to God to use for His glory. This sacrifice means that we no longer live like the world. Our worldview is now based on God’s word. Our thoughts, way of Life, and behaviors are now conformed to how God wants us to live.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Be Still and Know

 Psalm 46:10
“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations,  I will be exalted in the earth!”

God is in control! We often find ourselves fretting over many things, and truth be told, many of the things we fret over are created in our imagination. That is not to say that there can be some pretty big things in our lives that can cause us to be concerned about. Human nature is to seek solutions, so we run about looking for ways to solve what unsettles us. The old saying, “The Lord helps them, that helps themselves.” has some merit to it, but there are times and situations where God is the only one that can make it happen, He desires that we stop trying to work it out through human manipulation, and trust Him to do the work. Let God be God, He is the mighty God, the first and the last, and things often happen to give God the opportunity to step in and take control that His name will be glorified and be exalted.  God says, “Be still, and watch me work.” He is able, praise Him, and exalt His Name!      

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Commit Our Way

 Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

When we commit, we give it our all. Keeping commitments takes a willingness to forsake other things that would keep us from fulfilling our responsibility to our commitment. When we commit our way to the Lord, we take our hands off what we want to do and take up God’s way. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” Committing to the way of the cross means that life will not always go the way we like, and that sacrifice will more than likely be required from us. Trusting in the Lord as we commit our ways to him will bring to pass the true desires of our heart. He will act on our behalf to accomplish His will. Our ways are now His ways and where and how He leads us is in His control. Commitment is a decision we make, and daily we must keep this commitment on the altar as a living sacrifice. We are no longer our own, we are bought with a price and we now belong to God and trust Him to lead us all the way, in the pathway He has chosen for us.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Alienated from God, but Reconciled

Col 1:21,22
And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

It is only through the blood of Christ, the blood that was shed on the cross that we can stand before a holy God and be presented unblameable. We are all born in sin and the works of the flesh are seen in our lives at an early age. The tendency is to put self first. Many times the good work we do is done to compensate for the selfish things that we do. Balance out the bad by doing good. The works of the flesh alienate us from God, and we believe that if we do things that are kind and helpful that we can in some way get God’s approval. Works not done by faith or love for God, or anything done without the Holy Spirit is a “work of the flesh.”  The teaching that humanity is basically good, and only needs to be trained and put in the right environment to do what is right is inaccurate. We do see moments during natural disasters of people coming together to help each other. This is a natural desire of survival and a God given desire to reach out to humanity, but such actions do not negate the fact that man is basically self-centered and seeks to please and satisfy himself, disregarding God's desire. Wicked works cause a separation between God and us. Yet now, we are part of the body of Christ and no longer do the works of the flesh. We align ourselves with the works of the Spirit, and manifest the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. This is the natural desire for the person who is sanctified and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live unblamable in this present world.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Not By Our Works

 Titus 3:4,5
But after that the kindness and love of God our Savior toward man appeared,  Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

It is a marvel to think that a holy God would consider dwelling with sinful humanity is beyond my comprehension. Man is inherently influenced toward selfishness. There is a part of man that desires to do good and will manifest this goodness through acts of mercy and human compassion. Humanity has the capacity to love, born from being made in the image of God. Civilization has worked to cultivate this goodness, creating laws and statues to help govern the behavior of people to act civilized. The influence of religious organizations has contributed to this influence by teaching us to be kind to each other. Jesus Himself, in the Sermon on the Mount taught us to love your neighbor as yourself. But being good is not enough, for all have sinned and come short of redemption. Our good works come short of meeting the requirement for atonement for sin. But God, in His tender mercy and love sent His Son to pay the price for our redemption. He died on the cross, the sinless One, the lamb of God who is able to take away the sins of the world paid the debt that was ours. Through His death and resurrection we now can have new life, The Holy Spirit is given to us, purifying our hearts by faith. The world is filled with good people doing their best, and only God knows the heart of man, but salvation does not come by good works that we have done, but by faith in the One who is able to save us to the utmost.