Saturday, January 7, 2023

Kick Against the Pricks

 Acts. 9:5

And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

“To kick against the pricks” is an idiom that implies the fruitlessness of resisting authority or truth. Saul (Paul) on his way to Damascus, encounters his resistance (Jesus). He came face to face with God, and try as he might he could no longer resist that inner voice that no doubt was speaking to him since the day he witnessed the death of Stephen. The Holy Spirit had arrested Paul with convictions, and Paul finally quit resisting and yielded his heart to Jesus. It is difficult to resist the prodding of the Holy Spirit when He convicts the heart of sin. When people do so, they only bring more hurt to themselves. God will use every means to bring others to the light. He will not force submission, but in His faithfulness, He will continue to “prick” to show others the way to go to find true peace. Let us not “kick” against the moving of God, but let us yield to His will and let Him have complete control of our lives.

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