Saturday, January 14, 2023

He is Our Help

 Psalm 121:1,2

 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help..My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

Needing help implies that a person cannot do it on their own. The psalmist looked around the world he lived in and could not find what he needed to bring him peace. All around people were fighting and seeking their own gain. Everywhere we look the world is in conflict, nations against nations, political parties in constant battle, and people seeking to gain wealth and prosperity at any cost. Help is not found in what man can do, but in the one who created all things. We need to lift our eyes higher, above the turmoil of the world, look upward, toward the hills and beyond and see God. He who is all almighty, all knowing, and all seeing. Deliverance from the chaos of this life comes when we see Jesus, and yield our heart and lives to Him. He will be our help in times of trouble, He is the answer to all the problems that fill this world.

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