Friday, December 16, 2022

Prayers Night and Day

 2 Tim 1:3

I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day.

Pray for those you care for and love every day. We often keep our loved ones in our thoughts, but Paul did more than think about them, he prayed for them. It is nice to think about those we care about, but the power of prayer connects our thinking to our Father in heaven, who controls the affairs of people. He knows what others are going through, He sees the trails and stressful circumstances that they are facing at that time. Positive thoughts do not change things, it is through prayer and petitioning God that makes the difference. Prayer moves the hand of God, prayer makes it possible to see God move in the lives of people. Without ceasing, let us remember our loved ones in prayer as often as we can, trusting them over to God who is able to meet their needs when they need it.

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