Saturday, September 4, 2021

He Is Our Daily Bread

 Matt 6:11
 Give us this day our daily bread.
Prayer takes many forms and what we pray about depends on what we seek. We may be seeking to have more of God, the healing of a loved one, the spiritual well being of a friend, direction in how we should proceed, or for our daily bread. The material needs and provision we need, or things we need is important to God. He does know exactly what things we need, so we may not always get what we ask for.  Jesus says, “Ask and ye shall receive…” but our asking should always end in, “But Thy will be done”. Our daily bread is not necessarily speaking of food, but it speaks to the needs of our entire being. Our emotional, metal, and physical state. He is the bread of life, and He is all we need. He is our daily bread, and in Him we can find peace of mind, calm in the storm, healing and nourishment for the body. “Give us this day “Jesus”, and all these other things we ask for will fall in place.

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