Saturday, September 11, 2021

 Proverbs 3:15
She (the wisdom of God) is more precious than rubies (the riches of this world), and all the things you may desire (want in life) cannot compare with her. (God’s wisdom)

The wisdom of God is more precious than the riches of this world, and all the things you want in life cannot compare with God’s wisdom. We all seek a comfortable life, the material things of this world provide us a measure of satisfaction and joy. Most people in America desire to have a nice home, car, clothes, and things that entertain us. As precious as having family, it also falls short.  But life has shown and proven that the things of this world do not bring true joy and happiness. “Happy is the person who finds the wisdom of God.” He/She who finds God has found life everlasting. Jesus who came to this world to bridge the gap and provide a way for us to have a relationship with God is the wisdom that God provides to all who will embrace Him. “ Take this whole world, but give me Jesus.” He is the tree of life, take hold of Him, don’t let go. Happiness is found in knowing Him in His fullness.

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