Saturday, August 28, 2021

He Is Coming Soon

 Rev. 22:12.13

Behold, I am coming soon...I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

Every time I see the sun rise in the morning and shine through the clouds as I drive to work, I’m reminded that Jesus said, “Surely, I am coming soon”. Jesus also said, “As the sun comes from the east, and shines to the west, so will the coming of the son of man be”.We are also told that he will come in the clouds with power and glory. Paul says, we will be caught up together with Him in the clouds. It has been over 2,000 years since these words were recorded, but be not mistaken, He will return. He will return to receive His own. Those who have put their lives into His care. Confess that He is Lord and are walking in His light. Such is the hope we have in a day when the world has lost its scruples. Stand steadfast, look up for our redemption is coming soon. Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly.

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