Thursday, August 5, 2021

Servant of All

Mark 9:36

 …If any man desires to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

Being first is the prize that we often seek to achieve. We like to be in first place. We strive to achieve the gold ribbon, and the award and recognition it gives us. In many cases, we work hard to achieve that goal. In the arena of sports this is the ultimate goal to say you are the best. I don’t believe that such aspirations and desires are sinful. It is possible that it could become a sinful aspiration, if obtaining the goal is in opposition to being a servant of Christ. Your ability and desire to serve others. If your means to an end keeps you from doing the will of God in your life, then it is time to change your goal to be first. Jesus said that if you truly want to be first, you must first seek the kingdom of God, you must be last, and be as a child and take on the actions of serving others. To be first in the Kingdom of God is to have a servant's heart, looking for opportunities to help others, often sacrificing your own desires and comfort. This is the ultimate goal of a Christians, to be first in the service for Christ. 

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