Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Law Cannot Save

 Galatians. 5:6
  For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

The Law handed down to us by God was used to bring us to God. It revealed to us that we are sinners. The Law falls short of providing a way of escape from the punishment that sin brings. It is a taskmaster that keeps us in bondage. We can never measure up to the Law in our sinful state. Trusting in the law to justify our sins or to be acceptable before God is an effort to earn our way to heaven by works. It is faith alone in Christ who loved us and took upon Himself the sin of the world to save us. We were helpless and incapable of saving ourselves from eternal damnation. But God who so loved the world, provided a way of escape. It was by this love that we were made free. We are no longer under the bondage of the law, but have been made a love slave to Christ. We follow and do the law not because we have it, but because we want to. So, even though the law cannot save us, we with pleasure desire to follow the commandment of Christ.

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