Friday, January 8, 2021

Being Faithful

 John 1:41,42
 He first found his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messiah, which is, being interpreted, the Christ...And he brought him to Jesus

It was not much, but Andrew’s witness to the work of Christ and telling his brother has impacted history. Peter became one of the main influential people in the New Testament Church. Andrew, only mentioned in the Bible as one of the Apostles, and only mentioned in relationship to the other Apostles. Yet, Andrew was faithful to spread the news, and he brought Peter to Jesus. It often appears that we are making very little, if any impact in the world that surrounds us. We are just common people living each day working to put a roof over our head, and provide food at the table. We seek to find meaning in life and what is God’s purpose for our life. We are one in billions of people that look to find answers. God, who knows our every waking and sleeping moment, watches over us and has an individual plan for each one of us. We may be invisible to the world, but God sees us, and He sees that we have been faithful in the little things of life.

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