Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thrrough the Blood

 Ephesian 2:13
But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
We all were born in sin and are far off from knowing Christ. All our human efforts to draw close to God are made impossible because of the enmity of sin in our hearts toward God. There is nothing we can do to break down the wall of partition that separates us from God. He is holy, we are unholy, He is just, we are unjust, He is righteous, we are unrighteous. We are all unclean things, what righteousness we have are as filthy rags. It is all because of God’s amazing grace that we can draw close to Him. Christ, who came to earth, gave His life on the cross, paid our debt of sin when He made the supreme sacrifice for sin shedding His blood. Redeemed by the blood of the lamb, He removed the middle wall of partition and gave us access to the throne of God. Through the atoning blood of Christ we have been set free from the bondage of sin. We now have fellowship with the Father, His Spirit ever makes intercession for us, and through His blood we have been born again and are made new creatures in Christ.

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