Saturday, December 5, 2020


 1 Timothy 6:1

But godliness with contentment is great gain.

People seek many things to find contentment. Like the rich man in the Bible, they seek to build greater “barns” to store the things of the world they have gained. The love of money is said to be the root of all evil. Seekers of earthly things. Houses, cars, computers, phones, clothes, and all that money can buy cannot buy contentment. The love of family is to be cherished, but even with that, true contentment cannot be obtained. We all enjoy our creature comforts, they do bring a measure of contentment and a sense of safety. But we bring nothing into this world, and we will leave this world empty-handed. Like the rich man, Jesus says. “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of you.” Our contentment is found in knowing Jesus, knowing that our treasure is not of this world, but of the other world. Living a life of godliness and righteousness towards God. Knowing that each day we live to please and glorify God. Knowing that our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus, and our names are written in the book of Life. This is real contentment with great gain.

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