Thursday, December 24, 2020

Let Us Ponder

 Luke 2:19
But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

We all find ourselves pondering from time to time. Sometimes our thinking is carried away with things that could have been, if only. We stop and often think and dream of the possibilities in life. As the word went out that a baby was born in Bethlehem, and this baby was to be the Savior of Israel, Mary wondered and mused to herself what all this would mean. How would all this come to pass? How could this baby save the world? We often face situations in life that cause us to wonder what will happen next. Mary really had no idea what the future would bring. She only knew that this child was of God, and her life was dedicated to raising this child. We don’t know what the future holds, we only have today to do what is best. To follow the light that God gives us and to do as He commands. Let us ponder on faith to believe God to take care of our loved ones and trust Him that all will work out to His Glory.

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