Monday, February 17, 2020

Observe All Things

Matt 28:20- Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

There are many events throughout the year that we observed. The government has set aside certain national holidays that we as a nation have determine worthy of taking a day to take notice of their importance. Today is President’s Day, we pause to recognize all the presidents in our nation that have led our country. Regardless of our political leaning, we realized that it is not necessarily the man we lift up, but the position he holds. Religions across the world have put aside days in the calendar year to observe special days that are significant to their faith. As Christian, there is a diversity of observance, but Easter and Christmas is a common thread. Jesus, through His word has taught us that we are to observe all things that He has commanded us to do. These observations are not a special day we set apart to do, but they are things that we are to observed every day of our lives. We are to observe time alone with God. Every day we observed that He is God and is in control and His great love is for us. We are to observe how we love one another, and observe to live a life that is holy and pleasing to Him. It is good that we set apart days to focus historical events, but observing His will and doing His will is what is expedient.

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