Friday, February 7, 2020

Do All in The Name of Jesus

Col 3:17 -And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…

The life style of a Christian matters. The things you do and say each day reflect your character. The Character of a Christian is built on doing what is right. Keeping your word, doing acts of kindness to those around you, speaking words that uplift the human spirit, considering others before yourself, and many other ways that could be mention. Paul wraps it up in one sentence. Live your life every day to represent the name of Jesus. That is reason enough to be careful in the words we use to express our feelings, thoughts, and emotions. The world finds it acceptable to use profanity and other unclean words to express how they feel, but a Christian lives a higher standard. Their words are guarded by the Holy Spirit who leads them into righteousness, truth, and holy living. Learning to live in the name of Jesus is a daily walk and old habits may take time to break. Let us walk in the newness of life, and live our lives each day to bring glory to God and honor His Name.

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