Friday, February 21, 2020

Knowing the Love of Christ

Heb 3:19- And to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fulness of God.

We admire those who are full of knowledge and know how to take that knowledge and use it. We spend the formative years of our lives putting information in our heads in hopes that we can apply that information into something productive in our lives. Our careers and social status are often determines by what we know. But all our knowledge is wasted If we have failed to know or come to the knowledge of the love of Christ. It is the pinnacle of all that one really needs to know. All knowledge short of this is found wanting and comes short of what really matters. To know the love of Christ is more than acknowledging that God loves you, or that you say you love Him. Knowing Him is to abide in Him and Him in you. It is to have the fullness of God living daily in your life. This fullness goes beyond the knowledge of books and Google. Knowledge is the path the leads us to know the love of Christ, it is not the ultimate goal, but the vehicle to obtain eternal life in Christ.

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