Saturday, January 4, 2020

Understanding Why?

Job 38:4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

There is so much about life that we don’t understand. Scientist have been trying for years to determine how this world was created.  Yet, we have just scratched the surface of knowledge. Our knowledge is trapped into the life span of man over thousands of years. A collection of data left through markings on the walls of this earth and books written across the centuries. We our here for 70 plus years making old and new discoveries about this world. Man has come a long way in discovering the unknown, but yet they have fail to come to a better understanding of who God is and their real purpose in life. Job struggled to find answers to his fate and sought to find meaning behind the unfortunate events in His life. We all like to know why things happen and will surmise their purpose, but we are finite in our understanding and must come to trust God to do what is best. He sees the beginning and the end. He is the Alpha and Omega who hold the world in His hand. He shaped it, he created it and made us in His image. Let us find rest in knowing that He is in control and will do all things good and for His Purpose.

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