Friday, January 17, 2020

Still The Storm

Psalm 107:29 He makes the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

Man is making reasonable progress in predicting the weather. Warning us of a potential storm that is coming, we make preparation in the event the storm hits. Storms are nature’s way of balancing out the earth’s atmosphere. It is an accepted part of living on this earth. The after effects of the storm often leaves a trail of disaster. No matter how well we prepare destruction happens. The scripture uses storms to show life will not always be perfect. Being a Christian does not mean that bad things don’t happen. Storms sometimes come of our own making by the choices we make, other storms are beyond our control and sometimes hit us blind-sided. The loss of a job, illness of a loved one, the unexpected passing of a family member or friend, conflict in a relationship, a marriage on the rocks, the rejection of others, and the list of potential storms goes on. To those who trust in God, there is an anchor, there is one that can still the storm. The outward storm may not always go away, but He is able to still the storm that troubles our heart, causing us to fear. 

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