Saturday, September 28, 2019

Watch and Be Ready

Mat 25:12 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
If we knew that Jesus (The bridegroom), were to return today, how would that change the way we live? What preparation have we made in our spiritual lives to be ready for His coming? Do we have the oil of the Holy Spirit to keep our light burning for the Lord?  The warning is given to us by Jesus. Don’t get caught up in the things of this world. Don’t allow life to make you complacent with the things that are eternal. We can’t allow the cutting edge of our spiritual life to become dull. It is possible to lose the pearl of great price and miss eternity. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and always be ready. We know not when He will return, but return He will. There will be no time to get ready, we need to be ready!

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