Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Walk By Faith

2 Corinth 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:)

Faith is to see the kingdom of God, a kingdom not of this world, but the world that cannot be seen with the eyes of flesh. It is seeing life through the eyes of God and knowing that this earth is not our home. This body of clay will dissolve and return to dust, but the persona of self, the soul will live on. Walking by faith is to believe that He is in control of all things, and He is a rewarder of them that will diligently seek Him. Walking by faith to trust Him even when all your senses are screaming and telling you it is not so. Walking by faith believes with a purpose, and ultimately God is glorified. It is not possible to walk in faith in the flesh. Our desire and determination play a part as we walk by faith, but living by faith requires the earnestness of the Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, our faith is hindered by the flesh. Let us put aside these earthly eyes and start to see life through the eyes of God.

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