Friday, June 7, 2019

The Heavens Declare His Love

Ps 19:1  The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament show his handiwork.

At night during a cloudless evening away from the city lights, you only have to look up into the sky and wonder at the vastness of the universe. Hard to phantom that those stars are light years away. God is not bound by time, everything to God is in the present. For God is the creator of time and His creation declares His greatness, presences, and holiness. The denial of His existence is futile, who among men can deny in their right mind that there is not a God. Knowing that this God cares for humanity is mind blowing. His love reached down from the heavens to have fellowship with His creation. Through Jesus, we are His new creation, made to love and serve Him. I may not understand how He did it all, but I understand that His love made me a new creature.  The heavens declare His love, and the firmament show His power to work in our lives if we give it to Him.

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