Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Filled with the Holy Ghost

Act 2:4 … And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost..

The idea of being filled implies there is an indwelling presence of something. We say that we are filled with joy and running over, or filled with excitement and can’t contain it. Such fillings are emotions that are created by experiences and situations in our lives that cause us to express an outward manifestation of happiness. The day of Pentecost was more that just a day of great joy and expression of emotions of happiness. The coming of the Holy Ghost into the heart of believers was a spiritual experience that transcended the mind and emotions. The Father sent the Comforter, the Holy Ghost to fill the heart to those who were praying in the upper room. They gathered for one purpose, seeking God for power and purity. Power to stand boldly in the face of opposition, and purity to live a life holy and acceptable to God. The Holy Spirit dwelling in the believer is what caused the world to turn upside down. The church of Jesus Christ was born, built on the foundation of Christ alone, His Spirit empowered His church to spread the news of His love, grace and mercy.

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