Tuesday, July 24, 2018

To Heal Or Not To Heal

Mark. 8:25 After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.

The man from Bethsaida the home town of Andrew and Peter. He was a blind man, probably not from birth, he knew what trees looked like. As Jesus entered the city, the people brought this man to Him believing that Jesus could restore his sight. Healing from God is brought about by faith. When and how this healing is done is given to the Master to decide. For some reason, unknown to man, Jesus touched this man’s eyes twice before complete healing was done. Jesus could have just spoken the word, or rub some mud on his eyes. He could have told him to go wash his eyes out with water, but he choose to give partial healing before giving full healing. As a person who believes in the doctrine of sanctification, I would like to think that this was Jesus’ way of saying, it will take two works of grace to complete the work of full salvation. But, I think this is stretching out the scriptures to fit my doctrine. The reality is God does things in mysterious way that we always don’t understand. Sometime he heals completely and sometime not at all. He told Paul that His grace was sufficient to handle the throne in his flesh. Whether God heals or does not heal, we must still trust Him that He knows what is best, and rest that God is good and will work all things out to fulfill His purpose. 

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