Tuesday, July 3, 2018

My Help Come from God

Psalm 121: 1,2 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. 

Getting help when you need it is not always available. There are times when I could use some help lifting or moving something heavy, but everyone I know is busy or not available. It times like this, I either have to be creative or just wait for another time. Calling for help recognizes that we cannot do things in our own strength, we need someone else to give assistance. During times of trial or difficult hardship, we often cry out for help. Our hearts our broken with grief at the passing of a loved one, we find ourselves in a place where we our financially in need of funds, we have just been given the pink slip dismissing us from our jobs, or we are told that we have a serious illness,  the list goes on. Where can we go to get some help? Our emotions have been depleted, and our spiritual life is on the edge. On a hill far away in time, hangs the Savior of the world, Jesus who came to this world to give us salvation and the help to overcome the tough times in our lives. I will look to Jesus, a helper in time of need. He is all I need. As the beggar cried out to Jesus to help him by restoring his sight, I cry out to Him, “Jesus, from whence comes my help, you are able to help me through, for I am weak, but you are strong”.

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