Friday, July 20, 2018

My Father's House

John 14:2  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
This world is not my home, am only passing through. In my Father’s house, Jesus has gone to prepare us a home. Mansions that will blow us away. Many songs have been written about these mansions that Jesus is preparing for us in heaven. They say that, “home is where the heart is”. That the physical structure is not what is important about heaven, yet it was important enough for Jesus to mention that there will be a dwelling place when we get there. We all look forward with anticipation to someday enter our Father’s house. As wonderful as this is, the true joy is knowing that Jesus will be there. He will be what makes heaven home. That is where the heart is, to be with Him and see him face to face. This world will is full of troubles, but Jesus has made it possible for each of us to be trouble free. He invites us through the cross to give our lives to Him, forsake the temporal things of this world. hold loosely to this earthly home, and keep our eye set on our Father’s home.

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