Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Giving All

Luke 21:3 “And He said, “In truth I say unto you that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all.”-
“Give it all, give it all to Jesus”. It is not how much we give, but the sacrifice that is made when giving that matters. God still blesses those that give of their abundance and is pleased when people are willing to help support the Kingdom’s work, but giving your life is more precious to God than any monetary substance. He wants us to surrender all to Him. Giving all is to submit our hopes and desires to His will. He wants our heart, soul, body, and mind. God is not after our pocket book, He is after our allegiance. The truth of it all is we don’t have to have a penny to our name, and we still have something to give that supersedes the wealth and riches of this world. All to Jesus I surrender, “All to Him I freely give... I surrender all”

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