Monday, December 7, 2015

Following God

Joshua 14:9b “because thou hast wholly followed the Lord my God.”-
Following God without any reservations. To Wholly follow the Lord is to fully and entirely do what He wants you to do. It is full obediences to the will of God. Partial obedience is not acceptable. Saul followed only part of God’s will and paid an awful price for his partial obedience. Joshua followed God fully and did not hold back his obedience. Because He did, God blessed him and gave him the desires of his heart. Everyone is called of God to do something for the kingdom. Some are called to led and others are called to follow, but it is all for the purpose to glorify God. Wherever God puts us, He wants us to grow and be all that He desires. To become a mature Christian, living life to its fullness. This is only done, when we are willing to wholly follow Him, no matter the road He may have us travel. “Give it all, give it all to Jesus.”

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