Tuesday, December 29, 2015

For Those Who Love Him

Nehemiah 1:5 “and said: “I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and fearsome God, who keepeth covenant and mercy for those who love Him and observe His commandments,”-
The promises of God most often come with some conditions. He promise never to leave us or forsake us. But if we rebel against His will and walk away from His commandments, then He is not obligated based on His word to be with us. He still may pursue us and entreat us to return, but His presence in our lives is no longer assured. For those who truly love Him and are doing their best to follow His will, He will stay true to His word. He will not forsake us if we wholly submit to His will and keep His commandments. Their is a work to be done and He calls each of us to answer the call. He has promised to go with us to guide and direct our path. The task may seem unsurmountable, but He is a great and awesome God who is able to give us the power and grace to do what needs to be done. For those who love Him, He will make a path and walk with us. 

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