Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Mind of Christ

Philippians 2:4,5 “Look not every man to his own things, but every man also to the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”-
Living in the Vine is to have the mind of Jesus. He is our supreme example how we are to act and behave. In our humanity we come short of what God wants us to be, but Christ humbled Himself and became human. He walked the dusty roads of this earth and suffered the afflictions that you and I encounter in life. Even during times of hardship and in the face of death, Christ willingly gave Himself to us. We are so prone to pamper ourselves and look out for number one. The spirit is often willing, but the flesh is weak. Paul realized that in our humanity that there would be a tendency to cater to our own needs, and there are times that doing so is the right thing to do. But, often those needs can be put aside, so we can care for the needs of others. Having the mind of Christ living within us, will give us the strength and fortitude to act in kindness, preferring one another over our own wants. The mind of Christ is allowing the Holy Spirit to take full control of our life and let Him direct and guide our path. When we have the mind of Christ, our attitude changes toward life, life is no longer about “us” but, it is about serving others. Let us put aside those things we want and start to focus on the things of others. 

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