Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Healing By His Strips

Isaiah 53:5 “ But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed.”-
On the cross, Jesus suffered and died to save us from our transgressions. He took on Him the sin of humanity and paid the ultimate price. His strips were many and in pain He suffered them all for you and me. His flesh was ripped open, as blood flowed, healing was made possible for us all. He heals broken lives that have been shattered by poor choices. Choices that sought pleasure, but brought destruction. He heals broken marriages, and brings lives back together again. By His stripped we are healed from our addictions and habits that take us away from doing what is right. Sin brings spiritual sickness to everyone who yields to unrighteousness. Bitterness, hatred, malice, covetousness, and all manner of wickedness causes the heart to turn black and ugly. All born into this world, were born in sin. We like to think that our good humanitarian works will out weigh the wrongs in our life, but righteousness does not come from doing works of good deeds, but it is only through Christ, that we can find peace and salvation for our sinful heart. Healing is offered to all who will believe in Jesus and accept His strips and death to heal us from all our diseases and make us completely whole. 

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