Thursday, August 13, 2015

Establish In The Lord

2 Thess 2:17 “ comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.”-
Becoming establish in the Lord is a life time journey for a Christian. When we give our life to God, our heart changes, but we still have a lot to learn about walking with God. Becoming establish is coming to a point in your Christian life where we have grown up spiritually. We no longer are new babes in Christ feeding on the milk of the word, and having to have our hands held by others. Our dependence on God is strengthen. We realizing how important God is in everything we do in life, we learn to trust Him. Our relationship with God is to a place where the things of this world are less likely to draw us away from Him. We still have temptations and we still can become weary in well doing. But the establish Christian knows that the Holy Spirit is a faithful witness, and He senses our weaknesses in time of need. It is the desire of God that every born again Christian become establish in their relationship with God. The longer we walk with Him the more He teaches us how to live to glorify Him. He reveals to us our selfish nature and want us to yield our heart in full surrender to His will in sanctification. It is through sanctification, that God is able to establish us unto every good work and make us what we ought to be for Him.  

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