Sunday, April 11, 2010

To Save Sinners

April 11th, 2010
 1 Timothy 1:5-16
Becoming a Christian is more than conforming to a set of beliefs or joining a church. To become a Christian, One must acknowledge that they are a sinner and accept Christ as their only means of Salvation. As wonderful as the teaching of Christ were, His main purpose for coming to earth was to pay the supreme sacrifice for your sins and mine and give His life on the Cross. There is no other Name under heaven, except through Jesus Christ that we can be saved from our sins and delivered from spiritual death.
Commandments for Sinners: The law of God was given to man to reveal to them that they were imperfect being, coming short of God's expectations. The commandments, or the law of God is a task master, revealing to man that all his righteousness is but filthy rags.
Condition of the Sinner: The condition of man is one of hopelessness and despair. Outside the grace of God, man is wretched and undone. All of his ways are enmity against God. He wants to run his life his own way and is unwilling to submit himself in full surrender to the will of God. He was born in sin and inherited the nature of sin from the day of birth. The natural desire of humanity is to make sure that self is served. Selfishness, greed, wickedness fills the heart of a sinner. The manifestation may be cultured and tamed, but none the less, the basic nature reside within the sinner's heart.
Conscious of being a Sinner: The 1st step in salvation is to recognized that man is a sinner and his condition of a sinner will lead him to eternal separation from God. Man must realized he is a person who is depraved and has no way in himself to remedy the problem. He must become conscious of his sinfullness and come to the knowledge that he is in need of a savior who will be able to deliver him from this wretched conditions. Many have thought that doing works of righteousness would remove the blackness of sin from their life. Others will seek to become one with nature in hope of being renewed by the creator. Acts of goodness or deeds of kindness are all efforts made by many to obtain the favor of God, but all is in vain and come short of the glory of God.
Came to Sinners: Christ came to earth as the supreme sacrifice for sin. He came to die for the sinner. God's only son left the splendor of heaven, taking on the form of man and made himself the scapegoat for the sin's of man. He came to me and He came to you to take away our sins. His death on the cross completed the plan of Salvation set in place when Adam and Eve transgressed the known will of God. God's love for man was so great that He gave his only Son to be the second Adam that would be the victor over sin and make provision for mankind to be reconciled back to God. Reedeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God, who will take away the sins of the world.
Call to Sinners: Not only did Jesus come to man, but He also calls out to man to turn from their sinful way and accept His gift of Salvation. Christ knocks at the door of our heart asking us to open our heart to let Him come in. He calls out to everyone to come to Him, all that are heavy laden, burden with sin, and He will make them whole again. The call goes out today for every open heart to let Christ wash away our sins and give us new life and a new beginning. We can be born again through Christ and the power of His forgiveness. It is time to asnwer the call and be made right before Him.
Confession of the Sinner: With the month confess is made. To answer the call, all we have to do is confess our sins and He will forgive us of our sins. If we confess, believing, He is faithful to give us a new heart. We can pass from death unto life. Where we were once dead in trespasses and sin, we can now be made alive in Christ. True confession is the turning away from the life of sin and the new life of abiding in Christ. It will be through this abiding that we can maintain favor with God and stay always pleasing to Him. Living our lives to glorify God because we believe that through His grace we can be victorious every day of our lives. Let the redeem say so!

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