Friday, April 2, 2010

Thanking God for You

1 Corith 1:4 I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. NIV

When was the last time you told someone, “I thank God for you”? They say that we need to slow down and take time to smell the flowers. Maybe it is also time to get off the express train of life to let people know how much they are appreciated.
I think we realized that life is not perfect and neither are people, but a pleasant word of good will should not be reserved for Thanksgiving and the Christmas season. Spirits are often lifted when one is appreciated and told that they are important and needed. We are often told to “get our eyes off of people, and look to Jesus”. But through the eyes of Christ, we can look at people and not focus on their faults, but focus on the good things they are doing. Maybe today you can get on the phone, send a letter, facebook a friend, or send an email and let them know that you thank God for the life they live in Christ, and the good things they do.

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