Saturday, July 3, 2010

Faith and Temptation

 Faith and Temptation – James: 1-12
How strong is your faith in the face of temptation?
What is temptation? 
(Anything - events or circumstances that would cause us to turn from God?)
Why does God allow Satan to tempt or bring trails in the life of a Christian? 
(Test our strength of character and our faith in God)
What does the Apostle James have to say about facing temptation when it comes? 
Temptation gives the opportunity for exhibiting active persistence (patience). We continue to think, and do the right thing in the face of wrong. 
What is the right way to think or act? 
Building of our faith is the exercise of asking God for wisdom in the midst of trials, testing, and temptations. Be willing to accept the situations and circumstances in your life are things that God has allowed to come your way to make you a vessel unto His honor. Be willing to be the clay in the Potter’s hand. 
Recent examples of people who are facing trials and how they have responded In the face of such trails.- Mike Wright and Connie Snodgrass.
Giving in to temptation is to rely on your own desires and wishes. Asking God for His wisdom is surrendering yourself to God’s plan.  Don’t let your faith waver or be sidetracked. Don’t let your faith be tossed and driven like the waves of the sea and eventually shipwreck on the seashore of life. 
Is it really possible to be joyful when one is going through difficult times?
Knowing that God is in control and He knows best brings a peace in the heart that turns to joy. Knowing that putting our trust in Him will bring a reward, a crown of life is also cause for joy. It is not the circumstance or the situation we joy over, but the knowledge that God is pleased when we believe Him to do what is best.
How do I deal with the temptation to do evil or sinful things?
God does not entice one to do evil. Doing wrong comes from one’s own desire to satisfy or please self outside of God’s will. Satan uses these desires to cause one to turn away from God. We are not strong enough to overcome the evil one, but God has promised grace in the midst of temptation. “If we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.” God’s Word is full of promises to help Christians to become victors. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” Such are the promises of God to those who put their faith in God.  Overcome evil with good. God is good. 

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