Saturday, February 23, 2008

Micah's idols

Judges 17:1-10
February 24, 2008

The story of Micah and his idols occurred shortly after the death of Joshua and the conquest of the Canaan land. The Israelites had already started drifting away from the laws of God. Everyone was a law unto himself, doing that which was convenient and self-serving. Micah and his mother no doubt had been brought up under the spiritual enlightenment of the OT law, but rationalize the acceptance of idols in their worship to God. May we be careful that the worldly culture of our day not be a substitute for the true worship of God.

Missing Money- (vs.2 “silver that was taken from thee”)
• She cursed the person who took it
• Stealing from your own family
• Greed and selfish desires is the root- love of money
Micah confession- (vs.2 “I took it”)
• Fear of the curse brought concern
• Confession was contrived for his benefit.
• The importance of true confession
Mother’s Spiritual Confusion- (dedicated unto the Lord and idols)
• Religious syncretism- mixing of different beliefs
• There is only one way to heaven, only one God
• James- from the mouth- cursing and blessings?
• The folly of the New Age movement, yoga, ect…
Molten Images- (made graven and molten images)
• Thou shall not have any image before me
• The Lord forbad the use of images as object of worship
• Fashion after the “House of God” – mimic- look-alike
• There is more to the book than the cover.
Man’s Own Eyes- (vs.6 “every man did that which was right”)
• Relativism ruled the day- Truth is relative
• Absolute truth is too restrictive to a heart not submitted to God
Matter of Character (vs.10 a sojourner to be a father and priest)
• The priest had no moral scruples
• Micah disregarded any background check of this Levite
• The importance of integrity and moral character in leadership
Moving in as Priest –(vs.12 lived in the house of Micah)
• Micah’s main concern was that he looked good
• Man looks on the outside, but God looks on the inside (motive)

1 comment:

Noel Tan said...

I was just sharing this portion of Scripture for our family devotion this evening and I want to thank you for your blog entry. It crystallised a lot of learning for me. Thanks.