Saturday, February 24, 2007

God's Promise to Abram

Genesis 15:5-18

God has committed Himself to keep His Word. He has declared and assured those that put their trust in Him that He will do what He says He will do. Abram, a man who believed that God had called him to leave the land of his fathers, now entreats his God to give him some assurance that God’s promises are still true. God is not slack concerning His promises as some men count slackness. He rewards them that diligently seek Him. God had promised Abram that his seed would be as the stars in the heavens. The fulfillment of such a promise, in the eyes of Abram began to grow deem as his life began to set in the western skies. But, God keeps His promises, once again makes Himself real to Abram and assures him that He has not been forgotten.

Renewing of the Promise-(look now toward the heavens)
• The Faithfulness of God
• When God speaks, so shall it be
• Heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s Word …
Righteousness of Abram (counted it to him for righteousness)
• He Believed in the Lord
• He knew whom he served
• He was considered righteous because his faith was steadfast
Request by Abram (whereby shall I know)
• The human element to faith
• Discouraged, but not defeated
• A sign from God often will help seal a promise
Required Worship (he took unto him all these..)
• Gathering of the sacrifice
• Go to the place of worship- truth is often reveal in worship
• Divine-appointment, simple- ritual and sacrificial-substance
• Believing-spirit, patient-waiting, and expectant-attitude
Revelation of the Promise (know of surety..)
• Horror of darkness- feeling of uncertainty- The unknown
• The enemies intimation- The hindrances to see God
• The prophecies of a great nation
• The promise of return
Reassurance Given (unto thy seed have I given..)
• The promise of God giving Abram’s seed
• The promise of the land
• It is God that makes this promise
• God said it, I believe it, that settles it for me.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lot's Choice

Genesis 13:1-13

The historical accounts in God’s Word are always given with a purpose. It appears evident that the examples given to us by Abram and Lot, was to demonstrate to all who would read that the choices we make will have their consequences. We are constantly faced with choices that shape our character and determine our destiny. It would appear that Lot made a choice that was wise from the prospective of financial gain, but he failed to consider the righteousness of God. His choice was not to seek first the kingdom of God, but to seek first the treasures and pleasures of this world. Lot’s selfish choice was not that he chose the well water plains of Jordan. He suffered a major defeat in his life because he did not inquire of God how to proceed.

Return to God’s will (went up out of Egypt)
• Abram made a wrong choice going to Egypt
• Abram return to where he left the will of God
Rebuild his altars- (the place of the altar)
• God desires that we build “altars” places to meet God
• We must entreat God’s presence
Resolving problems (land was not able to bear them)
• Problems in life are natural occurrences
• Strife-conflict between viewpoints.
• Choices made in conflict
Resigning yourself (then I will go to the right)
• Preferring one another in the spirit of meekness
• Trusting God to take care of the outcome
Relishing the temporal (he lifted up his eyes and beheld…)
• Lot let the desire of the flesh to rule his choices.
• His heart was not set on treasure above, but on earthly treasures
• He did the stop to think how this would affect his family
Resisting temptation (…Lot pitched his tent…)
• In making choices, we must flee the very appearance of evil
• We must be careful how our influence will affect others
Repercussions of self-centered choices
• Lot lost all his possessions
• Lot lost his family
• Lot’s left a legacy that is tainted with warning

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Call of Abram- God's Leadership

Genesis 12:1-9

Abram, is know as the father of the Arabic people and the father of faith to all believers in Christ. In the Land of the Ur of the Chaldees, The call to Abram was given to leave his land and people. Abram’s faith and complete obedience to the leadership of God resulted in a nation that is known today as the dwelling place of God. Abram left a legacy that has survived for thousands of years. His example of following God, has inspired millions to step out in faith and begin to trust God to lead their lives. Despite the circumstances and the unknown future, God desires His children to trust and obey and leave the results and outcomes to him.

Plan of God-Get thee out
• Listening to the voice of God
• He has a plan for our lives
• Are we willing to follow His Plan?
• Giving up to gain.
• It is God that shows the way and not others
Promise of God-I will make thee
• The promise of a great nation
• Abram’s name will be known through out the whole world
• I will give you and your seed land
• The Promises of God are true
• The rewards for obeying and following Him
Protection of God- I will bless thee
• Part of His promise is to keep us in the hollow of His hand
• We our the “apple of His eye”
• He is a jealous God- He cares for His own
Pilgrimage of Abram- Pass through the land-journeyed
• Abram had his eyes on the promise land
• We cannot get caught up in earthly treasures
• We must always be ready to follow where he leads
Practice of Abram- He built an altar
• Take time to worship God
• Finding out the next move.
• God’s leadership always leads praise and thanksgiving
• I will follow where He leads, and live each day in obedience to Him.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

God's Covenant with Noah

Genesis 9:8-17

Scientifically, the rainbow that appears in the sky after a rain shower is merely the result of the sun hitting water droplets. The sunlight is then divided into its many different colors resulting in a beautiful spectrum of colors in the shape of a “bow”. Critics of God’s Word have scoffed and ridiculed the claims of the origin of the rainbow given to us here in scripture. The assumption is a rainbow never appeared until after the flood. I don’t claim to know and understand the exact interpretation given to us in this account, but this I know, God gave the rainbow to Noah and mankind as a reminder of His everlasting covenant. He is true to His word and He will keep His promises.

Establishing a Covenant vs.9
• Individual and personal promises “I will make you…”
• Social promises “If my people…”
• His creation- all living things

Everlasting Covenant vs. 16
• The earth shall not be destroyed again by water.
• Scientific and political controversy of “Global warming”
• A token, a sign to remind us of His Faithfulness
• Promises that are handed down from generation to generation

Entering into Covenants “I will”
• God initiated the covenant
• God always keep His side of the promise
• Sacredness of making covenants
• The lack of covenant making
• Keeping our promises