Monday, August 5, 2024

Live at Peace with Others

 Romans 12:18
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Conflict is a natural occurrence that takes place when there are differences of opinions. Some of these differences are strong enough to create strife and division. Paul and Barnabas had differences of opinion, causing them to go their separate ways. It is possible to live peaceably with all men, even in the midst of strong differences. It becomes more challenging to live at peace with all men when there has been a betrayal of trust or if personal hurt has occurred. We cannot allow bitterness and malice to control relationships, even when conflict involves personal matters.  Conflicts can cause a strain in a relationship that may not be overcome quickly, it may even scar a relationship that may never heal completely. But fellowship need not be broken. History has recorded centuries of division and discord. Wars have been fought and many have died for what they believed in. I don’t claim to understand the nature of wars, the just and unjust, but if it is possible, God desires that we live at peace with one another. Especially among those who are followers of Christ. We are exhorted to “Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor, preferring one another.” (Roman 12:10). It is possible to love without compromising principles or condoning evil. Preferring others is not to agree with them, but it is to allow them to have their own opinions or ideas without dissimilation. We are never going to see eye to eye on every issue, but we can agree to disagree and live at peace with one another.

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