Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fellow Helper to the Truth

 3 John 1:8
We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow helpers to the truth.

God’s work is accomplished through the help of many in the body of Christ. It is easy to recognize the work done by those who are gifted at speaking and preaching and spreading the gospel from the pulpit or other media platforms. They are oracles of God that proclaim God’s word and deliver truth, regardless of what the world thinks or says.  But the gifts of God are not restricted to just the ability to speak or having the faith to heal the afflicted. Paul makes that clear in scripture. The body of Christ is made up of different members that play key roles in spreading the truth of God’s word. Gaius was commended by John for his contributions to the work of the kingdom. Gaius was a man who shared his home and food with those who were preaching the word. His hospitality was recognized as an important part of those who were going out letting others know about Jesus. Many of these were complete strangers, but he knew that they were being used by God to spread the good news. Gaius, a man who sacrifices his home and resources to give shelter and food so that he might be a fellow helper to the truth. You might not be able to open your home, but such as you have given to the Lord. The widow women gave two mites, and Jesus said, this woman gave more than everyone else, for she gave not of her abundance, but gave of herself and all she had.(Mark 12:44). It is not the quantity or quality of our gifts that are important, it is our willingness to use what we have for Jesus. Give it all, give it all to Jesus. We can all be a Guais, a fellow helper to the truth.

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