Monday, August 26, 2024

Walking in the Desert

 Deut 2:7
For the Lord thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness:..

The testing of our faith is done when we are walking through the desert wilderness of life. I’m told that the desert has its own unique attractions, and in some respects I can see how it might be, but as a general rule, I would choose rather not to live in the dry climate of the hot and lifeless desert. A desert place in life is symbolized as a time of desolation and dryness of spirit. Going through a hard place, circumstances are tough and life giving water is nowhere to be found. The lessons in life are often done when we are walking in the desert. This is the place where our faith is tested and our trust to believe in God, that He knows where we are, and He knows what we need. His will and purpose is being accomplished. He is preparing us for something new. In the desert, He will provide us with what we need. A river will spring forth, and He will bring us through. “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (Is 43:19). We all enjoy the “mountain top” experience where all is going well, and we are basking in God’s presence. But when we walk through the desert, God’s presence appears to be absent. We need to know that God sees us and knows what we are going through. We can trust the promises of God and believe that He will provide us with what we need as we walk in the desert places of life. He has promised us a river, a stream that will take us through. “When we have exhausted our store of endurance, when our strength has failed, when the day is half done, when we reach the end of our hoarded resources, our Father’s full giving has only begun”- The river of grace will appear and make a way as we walk in the desert.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Return to the Father

If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the Lord, return unto me: and if thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove.

Israel, God chose these people to show the nations of the world that there was a God in heaven who ruled the affairs of men. Truth was revealed through Abraham and his descendants, and the many prophets that God sent to reveal God’s plan for all that will follow Him. But the hearts of the people turned away from the commandments that God had given them to live by. They wanted to be like other nations of the world who served idols and gods of nature, or images of earthen clay. This was an abomination to the God that called Abraham out of his country to serve a God that cannot be seen by men, but one that is seen by faith. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God called out to Israel to put away their sin and return to the truth they once knew. Israel left the ways of Jehovah God, they backslid from the teaching of their fathers. God still loves the backslider. He still chases and desires those that have left the faith to return to Him. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. The conditions for those who once knew the Lord are required by all who want to reconnect and have fellowship with Jesus Christ. Confession and repentance, a turning away from sin are not negotiable. He loves us, and wants us, but we must be willing to leave our sinful way to follow wholly after God.  He waits with open arms and is faithful to call us back. Drop the sin that so easily besets us and let us run back to the one who loves us and desires to forgive us.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Fellow Helper to the Truth

 3 John 1:8
We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow helpers to the truth.

God’s work is accomplished through the help of many in the body of Christ. It is easy to recognize the work done by those who are gifted at speaking and preaching and spreading the gospel from the pulpit or other media platforms. They are oracles of God that proclaim God’s word and deliver truth, regardless of what the world thinks or says.  But the gifts of God are not restricted to just the ability to speak or having the faith to heal the afflicted. Paul makes that clear in scripture. The body of Christ is made up of different members that play key roles in spreading the truth of God’s word. Gaius was commended by John for his contributions to the work of the kingdom. Gaius was a man who shared his home and food with those who were preaching the word. His hospitality was recognized as an important part of those who were going out letting others know about Jesus. Many of these were complete strangers, but he knew that they were being used by God to spread the good news. Gaius, a man who sacrifices his home and resources to give shelter and food so that he might be a fellow helper to the truth. You might not be able to open your home, but such as you have given to the Lord. The widow women gave two mites, and Jesus said, this woman gave more than everyone else, for she gave not of her abundance, but gave of herself and all she had.(Mark 12:44). It is not the quantity or quality of our gifts that are important, it is our willingness to use what we have for Jesus. Give it all, give it all to Jesus. We can all be a Guais, a fellow helper to the truth.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Things of Others

 Philip 2:4
 Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

We all have our own things to do. Some of those things are vital to our survival and well-being. But the things that Paul is referring to are those things that bring us pleasure and ease of life. The attraction of the things of this world has a way of taking our eyes off the things that are more important to keep us faithful to Christ. Jesus said not to worry about the things of tomorrow, for the Father is sufficient to provide for things today. Instead, we have to consider the needs of others, and be more concerned that the things of others are attended to. We have to look out for each other as the body of Christ. There are those in our community of believers that need a helping hand. It is good to remember them in prayer, but the community of the local church should put action to their prayers and reach out to help those who are suffering emotionally, financially, and socially.  We are admonished to “Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor, preferring one another” (Roman 10:12).  God’s word not only teaches us to reach out to others who do not know Christ, but we also demonstrate Christian grace to others who are part of the family of God. The world looks at the church and needs to see that they are united in love. “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have loved one to another.” (John 13:35). The trademark of a healthy church is seen in the way they treat each other. Yes, we should not neglect our own health and well-being in all ways, but in doing so, let us not forget the things of others.

Monday, August 12, 2024

For Us, Against Us

 Mark 9:40
 For he that is not against us is on our part.

All doctrine is not critical to having eternal life. The Doctrine of the Church concerning Jesus Christ, who He is, and why He came to earth is essential to salvation. There are other teachings that are important and hinge on the person of Christ, but it is important to know that knowing Jesus to be God and coming to save sinners through His death and resurrection is crucial and essential to our beliefs and eternal salvation. “Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers” (Titus 1:9). A church that does not hold to this sound doctrine, is not part of the universal church of Jesus Christ that encompasses all who believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior of the heart. They are against sound doctrine and people should be warned of their false teachings. God has a plan for each believer to fulfill the mission of the gospel of Christ. The world is filled with churches that seek to fulfill that mission. As believers, we desire to fellowship with those who are like-minded and share the same core values. Therefore, we may choose to attend and be a part of a particular church. If you don’t agree with those core values, then it is probably best to find a place where you can be effective in ministry to do what God has called you to do. We are too close to the end days and Jesus will soon be returning. We have kingdom work that needs to be done. We don’t have time to be fussing over non-essential doctrine. He that is not against us is on our side.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Confessing Sin

 James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Many Bible translations use the word sin in place of fault. The root interpretation of sin is to miss the mark, to come short of God’s perfection. The fall of Adam and Eve changed the nature of humanity. The human body is now subject to failure and shortcomings. We often say, “We are not perfect, we are all still human.” We still deal with human weaknesses. As humans, we still make mistakes and errors from doing everything perfectly, but our hearts can always be faultless before God. Scripture says that Christians cannot sin, (1 John 3:9). Yet, it is possible for a believer to still commit sin. But, if we want to remain in Christ, we will not live a life of sinning.  Satan knows our weaknesses and vulnerabilities and will exploit them, causing us to fall. Temptation to sin would not be temptation if it were not possible to transgress the laws of God. Giving our heart in full surrender in sanctification, letting the Holy Spirit take residence in our heart will give us the ability to resist the temptations of Satan. Confession is made possible by restoring one back to fellowship with God. “And if any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:” (1 John 2:1). If we also confess our sins one to another, the prayer of other believers God will hear and heal broken fellowship. It is not God’s will that Christians fall when tempted. He has made a way of escape. It is not His will that Christians live in sin, but His will that they be delivered from sin. Thank God, He has provided grace and mercy to them that seek and ask forgiveness. We need not despair, get up, face your fault or sin, confess, and move forward with God.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Live at Peace with Others

 Romans 12:18
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

Conflict is a natural occurrence that takes place when there are differences of opinions. Some of these differences are strong enough to create strife and division. Paul and Barnabas had differences of opinion, causing them to go their separate ways. It is possible to live peaceably with all men, even in the midst of strong differences. It becomes more challenging to live at peace with all men when there has been a betrayal of trust or if personal hurt has occurred. We cannot allow bitterness and malice to control relationships, even when conflict involves personal matters.  Conflicts can cause a strain in a relationship that may not be overcome quickly, it may even scar a relationship that may never heal completely. But fellowship need not be broken. History has recorded centuries of division and discord. Wars have been fought and many have died for what they believed in. I don’t claim to understand the nature of wars, the just and unjust, but if it is possible, God desires that we live at peace with one another. Especially among those who are followers of Christ. We are exhorted to “Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor, preferring one another.” (Roman 12:10). It is possible to love without compromising principles or condoning evil. Preferring others is not to agree with them, but it is to allow them to have their own opinions or ideas without dissimilation. We are never going to see eye to eye on every issue, but we can agree to disagree and live at peace with one another.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Oh, to be a Daniel!

Daniel 6:4
.. but they could find no occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Oh, to be a Daniel! A man standing strong in what he believed. Living a life without error according to the laws of God and His commandments. We can only admire the integrity and character of this man. The pressure was on for Daniel to let down his convictions and give in to the temptation of human preservation. I don’t believe that Daniel was super human, he no doubt made mistakes of human nature, but when it came to the principles of God’s word, he remained faithful. He knew whom he believed in, and was willing to keep that which he committed unto the end of his days. Oh, to be a Daniel! Determine to stand true, come face to face with pending death and trust God to carry him through. We live in a culture where the word of God has been put aside for perverted thinking and liberal progressive ideology. We are the only Bible that others may see. ”Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men” (2 Corinth 3:2) Oh to be a Daniel! A man living holy and blameless in this present world. Such a life is possible living in these vessels of clay. Submitting daily to God’s will is to daily take up the cross of Jesus and live a blameless life before others, that it may be said of us. “No occasion, nor fault is found, they are true and faithful to the God they serve.” Oh, to be a Daniel! Oh, to be like Jesus!