Saturday, May 18, 2024

Be Not Afraid

 John 6:20
He saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

After a busy day with Jesus feeding 5,000 men, the disciple left for Capernaum. Heading home for the day. The quickest way to get to Capernaum was to take a boat and sail across the Sea of Galilee. Because of the lower elevation of the Sea of Galilee, the water is warm. The cold air that comes off the surrounding hills causes a weather storm front that creates strong winds. This strong wind causes the sea to billow and makes the sea very turbulent. Such was the case as the disciples transverse their boat across the sea. What started out as a calm ride, they were only about 5 miles into the sea when the waters started to rock the boat. Like the disciples, we don’t know what the day will hold. Our day may start out calm, but by midday, our lifeboat may start to rock. A sudden life storm hits us unaware. Our natural reaction is to fret and worry. It is more than we can handle. Our little boat can’t handle the storm. But Jesus, who cares for His own, appears. He is found in the midst of the storm. He is the one who can calm the waves that trouble our lifeboat. His words bring comfort to our hearts, “Be not afraid.” Circumstances in our life are often out of our control, and there is nothing we can do except trust in the one who can calm the sea and take us to the other side.

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