Friday, May 31, 2024

Keep the Holy Faith

 Jude 1:20,21
 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost…Keep yourselves in the love of God.

Whether it is the end days or the sunset days of our personal lives, we are constantly aware of mockers, who desire to bring division and twist the word of God to appease their own appetites for the sinful things of this world. The last times or in the last days will be similar to the days of Noah. The teachings of the world will seep into the church, and many will be deceived by the grain of truth that is embedded into the teaching. The admonition is to pray that the Holy Spirit will give us discernment to see what is truth and what is false. The center of truth is to stay in the love of God, be grounded in sound doctrine of the teachings of Jesus. His word is truth and our faith is holy because He is holy. We are to resist and denounce the works of the devil, and proclaim the gospel to all who will hear it. Many have turned from the truth and have become reprobates in their minds and hearts, and refuse to accept Jesus as God and the Savior of the world. We may not be able to successfully change the political climate and social perversion of our culture, but we can stand against the evil of the day, share the grace and love of God, show others the way to the cross and lift up Jesus in this messed up world.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Be Not Afraid

 John 6:20
He saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid.

After a busy day with Jesus feeding 5,000 men, the disciple left for Capernaum. Heading home for the day. The quickest way to get to Capernaum was to take a boat and sail across the Sea of Galilee. Because of the lower elevation of the Sea of Galilee, the water is warm. The cold air that comes off the surrounding hills causes a weather storm front that creates strong winds. This strong wind causes the sea to billow and makes the sea very turbulent. Such was the case as the disciples transverse their boat across the sea. What started out as a calm ride, they were only about 5 miles into the sea when the waters started to rock the boat. Like the disciples, we don’t know what the day will hold. Our day may start out calm, but by midday, our lifeboat may start to rock. A sudden life storm hits us unaware. Our natural reaction is to fret and worry. It is more than we can handle. Our little boat can’t handle the storm. But Jesus, who cares for His own, appears. He is found in the midst of the storm. He is the one who can calm the waves that trouble our lifeboat. His words bring comfort to our hearts, “Be not afraid.” Circumstances in our life are often out of our control, and there is nothing we can do except trust in the one who can calm the sea and take us to the other side.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Father of Sin

 John 8:44 (ESV)
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies

The Pharisees were the religious sector of the Jewish culture. They were charged with knowing the law and teaching it to the people. The problem with the Pharisees is that they were a bunch of hypocrites. They demanded that everyone else keep the law, but they were somehow immune or above having to keep it themselves. They finally came face to face with someone who would tell it like it is. They looked good on the outside, but inside they were full of sin and unrighteousness. Jesus did not mince words with them. He spoke the truth, and they were convicted and became defensive. They prided themselves on their lineage was traced back to the Patriarch, Abraham. The truth of the matter was they were not living the faith of Abraham. Claiming Abraham was their Father, Jesus denied that claim and revealed to them who their real Father was. Their spiritual lineage was rooted in sin, and their hearts were full of it. They were children of the devil, because sin still lived in their hearts. If they were to believe in the Son, then they could claim to be children of Abraham’s seed. By creation, we all are children of God, but the fall of Adam and Eve brought sin into the human race, and Satan is the Father of sin. Therefore, if we allow sin to abide in our hearts, then the devil is our Father. Jesus tells it like it is, but does not leave us without hope. Believe in the Son, believe in Jesus, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. We can be adopted into the family of God, and we can come boldly to the throne of grace, and call Him Abba Father!

Saturday, May 11, 2024

No to Satan, and Yes to God

 Mat 5:37 (AMP)
But let your statement be, ‘Yes, yes’ or ‘No, no’ [a firm yes or no]; anything more than that comes from the evil one.

“Don’t you understand the word “No! When I say “No”, I mean “No.” These are words often spoken to someone, often a child, who persists in asking for something they want. There is no budging or compromise. Our minds have been made up. Our statement is final, we have decided what is right and will stick with it. Satan will tempt us to take another course that God has already set before us. “This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.” (2 John 1:6). There are countless stories of those we know that started out to run the race, but failed to say “No” to the devil, and “Yes” to God. Satan tempted Eve in the garden, “Has God said.” God already told Adam and Eve they were not to eat from the tree with the forbidden fruit. Instead of telling Satan “No”, Eve started to listen to Satan, and was deceived by his words. Saying “Yes” to God and “No” to the devil requires help from a higher source of power. The Holy Spirit is able to give us the grace and strength to overcome the temptations of the devil. The chorus we sing, “I'll say, yes Lord yes to Your will and to Your way. I'll say, yes Lord yes, I will trust You and obey. When the Spirit speaks to me, with my whole heart, I'll agree, and my answer will be, yes Lord yes”. It should be the cry and desire of our heart.  Let us say “No” to Satan, and “Yes” to God!