Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Take Up The Cross

 Mark 8:34
Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

I have heard this scripture often used to describe people who have been going through difficult times. “This is the cross that is given to you to bear.” Bearing your cross goes deeper than going through your own personal hardship. 
Everyone, both Christian and unbeliever, goes through hard times and unwanted burdens in life. But, the cross that Christ refers to is a “death route” experience. The cross symbolizes death to self and all that is unholy. To take up the cross daily is an act of purpose and submission. Taking up the cross is telling God that you are submitted to His will and His plan for your life. Whatever that may bring, your heart is totally surrendered to Him. A true follower of Christ will make decisions that will often require him to deny what he wants and do what is best for the kingdom. Jesus said, “Come after me, and follow me.” Many follow Him for the loaves and the fishes, but turn aside when faced with having to pick up the cross. Such demands are too high of a price to pay. The things of this world, the creature comforts, and the approval of others is just asking too much to give up. 
Taking up the cross does not necessarily mean that one lives in poverty or without the enjoyments this life provides, but it does mean that one is willing to relinquish their hold of them to follow after Him. Our Christian journey will take us to a fork in the road. The cross lays at the crossroad. This is a place in your life where a decision is made to take up the cross and let God take full control of your life. Jesus asked this of the young man, “One thing you lack: go your way, sell everything you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.”- Mark 10:21. Unfortunately, this young man had a lot of riches and was not willing to take up the cross and surrender himself to God’s plan for his life.

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