Friday, January 26, 2024

Outward Appearance

 1 Sam 16:7
 for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

Things don’t always seem as they appear. It is in our nature to make an assessment and judgment on things that we observe. We do it all the time. Our judgment is based on past experience and what we have accepted as a norm for our culture. When we see a well-dressed person, we judge that they have means and care about how they look and present themselves to others. There may be other reasons why they dress up, but we make assumptions. Likewise, when we observe someone who is unkept and dressed in ragged clothes, we assume that they are possibly homeless and don’t have a place to care for their needs. 
The Bible talks about, “You shall know them by their fruit.” In context, scripture is talking about those who appear to be religious or say they are followers of Christ, but inwardly they are raven wolves. The Pharisees are a prime example. Things don’t always seem as they appear. Some will use this scripture in Samuel to say it does not matter what you look like on the outside, but the reality is that it does. Paul was careful not to be a stumbling block to others and was mindful of his influence for Christ. It is not God’s intention that we cast away outward appearance, It is important that outward appearance be a positive influence to the world around us. How we dress, the places we go, and the things we do matter. But God sees through our appearance, and sees the heart. We can’t fool God by trying to look good on the outside. He knows the desires of the heart and will speak to us first about our behavior, spirit and attitude. His first desire is for us to manifest the fruit of the Spirit and live our lives consistent with His word. David did not seem like a likely candidate to be King, but God had His hand on David, and looked at David’s heart. We may not seem to be the person for the job, but God, who knows the hearts of men, can take what appears to be weak and make it strong. 

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