Friday, May 5, 2023

What Do We Really Need?

 Philip 4:19
But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
What do we really need? Human survival is dependent on food, water, and shelter, the basic needs to stay alive. Going without for any stretch of time will eventually lead to death. Good people who are Christians have died from lack of food and water. Lack of proper shelter from the elements of nature and casualty of war have brought death to many good people who have known God. So, did God not supply their needs during these times? We also know that all things work together for good for us according to His purpose. What do we really need? We need God’s grace, God’s help during hard times, times when all seems to be going wrong. We need His strength, His love and peace. Peace that passes all understanding. We may not receive what we think we need to stay alive on this earth, but our lives are according to the will of God and His purpose. Grace to live, and grace to die. Jesus, He is all that I need.

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